The Shimmering Ostrich

The Shimmering Ostrich Logo

Combination Mark

The Shimmering Ostrich is an online magazine founded in 2016. A lighthearted news website, it features occasional political invective, global affairs satirically wrought, carefree pop culture, flappy-skinned music and film reviews, monthly horoscopes, how-to-dos, and real light verse. Many of its stories are fictionalised or exaggerated for comic effect.

With the tagline ‘News In A Tremulous Light’, some of the site’s most cherished pieces include ‘Parallax In Action As Man Appears At Both Ends Of Great Wall Of China’, ‘My Husband Ran Off With A Male Circus Hooker’, ‘Did Nina Simone Labour Under A Misapprehension About Strawberries?’, and ‘Ice Fall: The Avalanche At Castle Black’.

The Shimmering Ostrich logo, loosely structured around a traditional crest, comprises a figurative ostrich head replete with feathering and orange beak, and text incorporating the magazine’s tagline and title. Modified fonts based on the Kabel sans-serif family of typefaces are used throughout; the tagline ‘News In A Tremulous Light’ is enclosed inside a banner; and for the title, the ‘O’ of ‘Ostrich’ is replaced by a wayward ostrich’s egg.

The Shimmering Ostrich Head Icon

Figurative Logomark

The Shimmering Ostrich is an online magazine founded in 2016. A lighthearted news website, it features occasional political invective, global affairs satirically wrought, carefree pop culture, flappy-skinned music and film reviews, monthly horoscopes, how-to-dos, and real light verse. Many of its stories are fictionalised or exaggerated for comic effect.

The above Shimmering Ostrich icon features the Shimmering Ostrich’s comely face, all seductive eyes and sharp angles, hoisted above trees native to his or her homeland, enclosed within an orange circle and the pristine blue azure. The illustration is used as the website’s favicon and on social media platforms, a come hither both playful and beseechingly intense.

The Shimmering Ostrich Egg Icon

Figurative Icon

The Shimmering Ostrich is an online magazine founded in 2016. A lighthearted news website, it features occasional political invective, global affairs satirically wrought, carefree pop culture, flappy-skinned music and film reviews, monthly horoscopes, how-to-dos, and real light verse. Many of its stories are fictionalised or exaggerated for comic effect.

The Shimmering Ostrich egg icon, still warm and detached with utmost care from the communal nest, features one egg within local grasses and sands. The illustration serves as the ‘home’ button in the website’s top strip.