Tepid Take

Tepid Take Logo

Combination Mark

Tepid Take is an online magazine founded in 2017. A Culturedarm and The Shimmering Ostrich collaboration, ‘Where two hot takes come together not to combust, but to cancel each other out, as though dousing one another in cool water’, Tepid Take is a satirical news website which devotes itself to polarising conflicts of opinion, however ludicrous or quaint.

The Tepid Take logo features text based on a modified version of the sans-serif font Avenir-Black, squeezed between fiery flames and puddles which distend to pools. Flames flicker brightly then peter out, water swells and subsides, even the most profound and intense anger might sometime dissipate.

Watering Can 2
Hot Hand 2
Water Drop 2
Flames 2
Waves 2
Watering Can 2
Hot Hand 2
Water Drop 2
Flames 2
Waves 2

Tepid Take Icons and Breaks

Figurative Icons

Tepid Take is an online magazine founded in 2017. A Culturedarm and The Shimmering Ostrich collaboration, ‘Where two hot takes come together not to combust, but to cancel each other out, as though dousing one another in cool water’, Tepid Take is a satirical news website which devotes itself to polarising conflicts of opinion, however ludicrous or quaint.

The selected illustrations above serve as icons and section breaks on the Tepid Take website: a watering can, a hot hand, water droplets, waves and flames, each adding character to the site, big themes beset by a provincial sense of fun.